
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Look who's 3!!!!

We have been so busy this month Kamden birthday party was a little late. We had it at the sunset park in Vegas and invited a few friends over for some bbq.

Here is our birthday boy! He wanted a Thomas the Train Party

 A few of the party guests


Ashlyn with Shorty (her Grandpas dog)

Kamden really wanted a pinata but said he didn't want to share that candy and especially didn't want anyone but him to break it open. Once we got there he was okay with sharing. He didn't break it open, but I haven't heard anything about it so I guess he forgot in all of the excitement.

I made this cake in a hurry that morning so its nothing special.

It was SUPER windy at the park and a big gust of wind came up and blew the table cloth up and it knocked over the cake and most of the cupcakes!


Good thing I hadn't set all the cupcakes out so there was still enough for all of the kids to have one.

It was also too windy to light the candle so here is Kam with his cupcake pretending to blow out the candle.

Enjoying his cupcake

He enjoyed all of his presents and hasn't stopped playing with them yet. Even though his birthday was a little late and not well planned. He still really enjoyed himself.

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